Why are actions movies becoming so generic?

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I am sure I speak for the majority of people when I say I love action movies, and for good reason too, as some can have great visuals and breathtaking fight sequences, but I would lie if I said that some are becoming too generic and bland, at some point you must admit that this is the hundredth time you've seen Dwayne Johnson get in a gunfight, but just why is that?

Image result for Marvel movies

Long story short it just works, the basic premise of these movies works, and the formula they use works flawlessly, and it sure does great in the box office, most movies that have great actions are usually praised even if the story and plot is mediocre at best, to be fair some do have interesting stories to tell, but that is not the norm, think of it, when you talk about movies Marvel always come up and that is because they make arguably the biggest movies of the year and guess what they are all action movies, and they get huge financial success.

Image result for disney pixar and dreamworks movies

Of course, we have to talk about the elephant in the room, yes not all action movies get blind success, as Romance and Animation (Usually by Disney and Pixar) bring in the big bucks and rule the box office, I have to admit but that it true but most of the time they are forgotten quite quickly, think of it Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks have all created tens if not hundreds of movies yet most people cannot think of reasons to watch them again or why they liked them in the first place, moreover most are directed towards kids so the stories are usually simple, however, if you ask someone about Marvel or any action movie/Franchise they would name them all and just what they liked about them, however when someone talks about Transformers the argument turns out just how bad action movies are.

Image result for Transformers

The action formula has just become really bland, it always goes like this: Underdog hero saves the day against incredible odds, all while beating the bully and getting the girl. Very few action movie go anywhere besides this path, which is sad because a lot of movies have a lot of untapped potential that could make for Box office success

I guess you cannot talk about action flix without the now infamous Micheal Bay Transformers series, and they are as bland and generic as an action movie gets, and they seem to be hated by everyone, yet they gross over a Billion dollars everytime a new one releases, and that is because they are actions movies. Think about it, they are filled to the brim with CGI, have some stupid jokes and a generic guy saves the world and gets the girl storyline, but because of this, they are always pandering to the audience who is fine with such stupid content.

Image result for John wick

But is all hope lost? well not exactly, as every once in a while we get a surprising sleeper hit with a surprising story and or innovation in an area we all thought couldn't be improved upon, like John wick, as that movie filled us with awe with its flawless fight scenes that did not feature cuts, some give us twists that blow our minds away, which is always a great game changer, so think of this, if we just demand new and improved stories we might actually get them, becuase we, the consumer deserve better than the stupid,generic brain dead Transformers movie.
