The greatest box office hits of 2017.

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Now that we have entered 2018 (Happy new year guys) we can look back on 2017 and analyze the great movies that we had this year, yes we had a lot of bad apples that's true, but thankfully we have a lot of great movies to thank 2017 for. (Note: these films are not in any particular order)

Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2Image result for thor and guardians of the galaxy

I mean everyone had to see this one from a mile away, Marvel has been churning these movies out and they are the best at doing so, of course, the first two Thor movies were not exactly great, but the Guardians movies, holy hell just how great are they, mixing emotion and comedy seamlessly, with great characters and an awesome plot these movies caught us by surprise as the Guardians were not the most popular Marvel characters ever, nonetheless these two have been one of 2017's greatest hits, and weirdly enough Ragnorak was great too, even if it did take a more comedic take this time around it still was quite entertaining.

John Wick: Chapter 2

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Now this movie was definitely a great one, however, the story itself was not that surprising or unconventional, just like its predecessor the movie had a sub-par plot, as the action sequences were the main star of the movie, because unlike the thousand cuts per fight scenes in the Taken and Marvel movies, John Wick went for a much more smooth route, as most if not all action scenes were shot in one seamless take with almost no edits, and I am not talking about the weak Shamalayn one shot action scenes in the airbender film, I am talking about actually interesting fights; with incredible action and a decent plot, John wick is one helleuva movie.

Honorable mentions

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Honestly, i was worried about Wonder Woman, as the past DCEU movies had not been strong at all, as Dawn Of Justice and Suicide Squad flopped quite hard, but to my delight Wonder Woman gave us great action scenes, an awesome origin story for Wonder Woman and her fish out of water experience when she left her home, and my next honorouble mention honestly shocked me when I saw it, I did not expect a lego movie of all things to be enjoyable and actaully have awesome jokes, even if the action is lackluster, but the story itself was funny and interesting.


Image result for logan

Logan, Logan, Logn where do I begin with this masterpiece, I was extremely hopeful for it and I was not disappointed at all, the moment i saw them going with the " Old man logan" storyline I was shocked as normally in superhero movies deaths are reversed almost instantly but in this story arc Logan dies, and oh my god they pulled it off, becuase with this being  Hugh Jackman's last portrayal of this character the stakes were high, and they did it, they actaully made us care about his death and Sir Patrick Stewarts's Professor Xavier's death too, you'd be lying if you said you did not shed a couple of tears after they died, moreover the set up with X-23 was amazing, as seeing her fight gave me goosebumps, atlast we desereved a great send off for one of the greatest characters of all time and we got it.
