Just how realistic is time travel?

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I'm sure we are all familiar with time travel, as there has been an abundance of time travel movies and books, and for good reason too, because time travel is such an interesting topic to delve deep into however the question of whether it is actually possible in real life or not still looms over us to this day, but fear not my fellow time travelers to be, as there are a couple of ways that could prove time travel is possible.

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Possibly the best way to time travel is through a wormhole, of course, we need to create a wormhole as they do not occur naturally, moreover, we would need to maintain it and enlarge it to human size, also we would need negative energy to keep it stabilized, but to an extent that is all possible with varying degrees of difficulty, then in theory you would be able to go through the wormhole and travel forward in time, now you would be moving at incredibly fast speeds, like unbelievably fast, I am talking about 99% the speed of light, so say your moving at those speeds you would be able to go through a year then go back on earth and see that 40 or so years have passed, that is caused by time dilation, ofcourse this is really hard to do but it is in the realm of possibility.

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Perhaps the most difficult part of time travel is going backwards, as it is incredibly complicated, however there is a way, of course this would be backwards in time for anyone who existed after the wormhole has been created to the time period were it leads to, an example of this goes like so : say you created a wormhole in 1985 somehow, then if you were in the future for the wormhole say 2018, then theoritcally you could use the wormhole as a bridge to connect the two time periods, ofcourse this is incredibly and you have to take in the impossiblity of someone back in 1985 of creating a wormhole, so at most the only time we could time travel back to is the present for us, most likley the next 50-100 years, to end on a good note I want to state that the mere idea of time travel is
